Quincy Jones

  • 09 June 2004



Quincy Jones Humbly Apologises For Contentious Interview Comments

By Holly Mosley in Music / Festivals on 23 February 2018

Quincy Jones

His daughters have helped him face up to his mistakes.

After a couple of recent interviews in which he made a slew of controversial comments about a number of his celebrity friends, Quincy Jones has stepped forward with an in-depth apology arisen from a 'family intervention' with his children. He confesses that he's learnt his lessons about interviews.

Image caption Quincy Jones at the premiere of 'Sandy Wexler'

The 85-year-old music producer shocked the nation with a number of comments regarding Michael Jackson's songwriting and surgery, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, his dislike of The Beatles and Marlon Brando's sexual adventures, among other things. He now understands the error of his ways after a receiving criticism on social media.

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Quincy Jones Confesses He Hates The Beatles' Music

By Holly Mosley in Music / Festivals on 08 February 2018

Quincy Jones Beatles

He really doesn't have much time for rock music.

It doesn't matter that they are considered one of the most influential rock bands in history, Quincy Jones has nothing good to say about The Beatles - particularly Ringo Starr. Though, in all honesty, he has few positive things to say about the rock genre in general.

Image caption Quincy Jones at the premiere of 'Sandy Wexler'
Image caption Quincy Jones at Netflix's 'Sandy Wexler' premiere