Latest Johnny Depp News - Page 18

Johnny Depp Formed Close Bond With Horse

Johnny Depp formed a close bond with his horse on the set of 'The Lone Ranger'.The 50-year-old actor plays Native American warrior Tonto in the Disney Western film and he is glad he got to...

Has Johnny Depp Got A Comeback Up His Sleeve? Does He Need One?

It’s been a pretty rough ride for Johnny Depp of late, and Lone Ranger didn’t do anything to appease his critics. In fact it did quite the opposite, placing him well and truly in...

Two More Join Disney's Into The Woods

Disney's 'Into the Woods' has added Tammy Blanchard and Billy Magnussen to its cast.The Tony Award-nominated stage actress and 'Nightcrawler' actor will join the eagerly anticipated film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine's hit...

Sacha Baron Cohen Steps Out Of Freddie Mercury Biopic: Who'll Play The Queen Frontman Now?

Sacha Baron Cohen AKA Ali G AKA Borat AKA... you get it, was an example of a truly fitting casting decision when it was announced he'd be playing Freddie Mercury in a biopic about the...

Johnny Depp Defends 'The Lone Ranger' At Film's British Premiere

It’s been a tough ride for Johnny Depp and Lone Ranger – a critical mauling lead to a poor box office performance and cemented the actor as officially ‘in a rut’, creatively, anyway. Depp, Armie...

Sacha Baron Cohen Leaves Freddie Mercury Movie As Attention Turns To Depp

Sacha Baron Cohen has left the movie biopic of iconic Queen frontman Freddie Mercury after a disagreement over the direction of the project. Cohen - who bears a dramatic resemblance to the singer - had...

Harry Treadaway: Lone Ranger Was Amazing

Harry Treadaway says working on 'The Lone Ranger' was ''an amazing experience''.The 28-year-old English actor plays Frank, a member of the ruthless outlaw Butch Cavendish's gang, alongside Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer in the new...

Johnny Depp On Lone Ranger, "The Critics Are Upset That It Didn't Tank"

Actor Johnny Depp has come out fighting over the criticism levelled at his movie The Lone Ranger, saying his performance as Tonto was a "salute to the Native Americans" and that it's disappointing box-office performance...

Johnny Depp: Everyone Should Wear A Dead Bird Like Tonto

Johnny Depp says ''everyone'' needs a dead bird on their head like his character in 'The Lone Ranger'.The actor devised his own look for his role as Tonto - black and white war paint and...

Armie Hammer Full Of Praise For Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is ''way cooler than you think''.The 50-year-old actor filmed 'The Lone Ranger' with Armie Hammer, 26, and the younger actor says working with Johnny was better than anything he could ever have imagined.Speaking...

Jon Hamm For The Oscars? Actor Is Hilarious Host Of The Espys [Video]

Jon Hamm, the American actor best known for playing Don Draper on Mad Men, has potentially put himself in the frame to host the Golden Globes or the Oscars after delivering a hilarious hosting performance...

Sharknado Sequel: Producers Begin Quest To Lure Johnny Depp

A sequel to the cable disaster movie Sharknado - about a tornado which triggers man-eating fish to take down the residents of Los Angeles - has been confirmed by Asylum Films. Premiering on the Syfy...

Rolling Stone Magazine Take Heat For Boston Bomber Cover

What do Rihanna, Johnny Depp, Justin Bieber and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev all have in common? Well, they’re all human beings (don’t be mean about Bieber now), but more pressingly, they’ve all featured on the front cover...

Johnny Depp Heading Back To Wonderland Without Tim Burton

Johnny Depp is set to reprise his role as the Mad Hatter in a sequel to Alice In Wonderland, but he will be returning without his longtime collaborator Tim Burton.The Hollywood actor took on the...

Johnny Depp To Star In Alice In Wonderland 2 - Is This His Last Chance Saloon?

Many thought Lone Ranger would be Johnny Depp’s last chance saloon, but that’s just because it’s a Western, and nobody really knew just how bad it could be. Anyway, it was bad – oh so...

Is 'Alice In Wonderland 2' Such A Good Idea For Johnny Depp?

At the turn of millennium, Johnny Depp made five movies, Blow (2001), From Hell (2001), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Once Upon A Time in Mexico (2003), and Secret...

Johnny Depp Returns To Wonderland

Johnny Depp will star in an 'Alice in Wonderland' sequel. The 'Lone Ranger' actor is set to sign a new deal with Disney to star in a follow-up to 2010's smash hit 'Alice and Wonderland'...

Us Weekend Box Office Results: 'Grown Ups 2' Defies Critics By Placing Ahead Of 'Pacific Rim'

Grown Ups 2 has placed ahead of Pacific Rim in the US Weekend Box Office. Adam Sandler's comedy received highly critical reviews, in contrast with the mixed response Pacific Rim received.Pacific Rim director Guillermo Del...

The Lone Ranger To Sink Without Trace, Putting Disney Out Of Its Misery

Disney's disaster The Lone Ranger - which cost over $400 million including marketing costs - should sink without trace at the box-office this weekend given the release of several big-hitters and the continuing success of...

Johnny Depp Hoping To Buy Wounded Knee

The Lone Ranger star Johnny Depp is hoping to return America's Wounded Knee to the Indian people by purchasing the famous landmark and handing the deeds to local tribe leaders.The actor, who has Cherokee, Creek...

A Week In News: Randy Hospitalized, Bieber's Big Mouth And Magna Carta, Holy Grail

Prayers for Travis: We were saddened to hear of the ill health of country singer Randy Travis this week - the singer-songwriting suffering a stroke while undergoing heart surgery in Texas. His friends and family...

Johnny Depp To Star In Mortdecai

Johnny Depp is in negotiations to star in 'Mortdecai'.The 50-year-old actor is near to signing on to play the lead role of Charles Mortdecai, a suave art trader-turned- rogue who frequently finds himself caught up...

Where Does 'The Lone Ranger' Rank In List Of Biggest Movie Flops?

Ok, so by now everyone's well aware that Jerry Buckheimer and Gore Verbinski's The Lone Ranger is a monumental flop - a serious disaster that could cost Disney $150 million. The Johnny Depp-Armie Hammer starring...

The Lone Ranger Bombs At Cinemas, But How Does It Compare To The Worst Box Office Bombs?

Jerry Bruckheimer and Johnny Depp back together in another swashbuckling adventure, what could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately for Disney, a lot did go wrong with The Lone Ranger; no one was interested in a big...

Armie Hammer Has Been Hampered By Height

Armie Hammer says being tall has hampered his acting career.The 'J. Edgar' star towers above most people at 6ft 5in and he believes his height has discouraged certain directors from casting him alongside shorter actors....

The Lone Ranger To Cost Disney $190m?

Disney could lose $190 million on 'The Lone Ranger'.The big budget Western film starring Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer has significantly underperformed around the world since its release last week, despite its A-list leading man...

Johnny Depp Finally Completes Keith Richards Film

Johnny Depp has finally finished filming a documentary about rock legend Keith Richards after four years of hard work.The Hollywood actor is a longtime friend of the Rolling Stones legend, and even landed him a...

Disney's Ex-chairman Suspended 'The Lone Ranger' Production Over Budget Fears

Disney's head honchos are reflecting on a "disappointing" and "frustrating" few days after its $250 million budget blockbuster The Lone Ranger took just $48 million over an extended five day weekend. The dismal performance marks...

Despicable Me 2 Leaves The Lone Ranger In It's Dust: Weekend Box Office Round-up

Despicable Me 2 soared to the top of the US box office this weekend, meaning that for the second week in a row an animated sequel/prequel has stormed past competition to become the most popular...

Johnny Depp Shuns Underwear

Johnny Depp likes to go commando.The 50-year-old star revealed he found a hole in his jeans and had to patch them up with duct tape because he doesn't often wear underwear.Asked if he likes to...

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