Latest Madonna News - Page 34

Madonna Launching Global Fashion Brand

Madonna is hoping to channel her chart success into a global brand.The pop superstar is one of the most famous women on the planet, but she has refused to capitalise on her name through clothing,...

Madonna Launching Second Clothing Collection

Madonna is launching her second clothing label.The singer - who created teen label Material Girl last year with 15-year-old daughter Lourdes - will aim her new collection, Truth Or Dare By Madonna, at an older...

Madonna To Add Fan To Dance Crew

Madonna will pick one lucky fan to join her dance troupe later this month (Nov11).The entertainer will end her talent search competition at New York City's Roseland Ballroom on 12 November (11) and there she'll...

Alexander Wang's 'Confident' Designs

Alexander Wang creates clothes for "confident and effortless" people. The fashion designer - who has been linked with John Galliano's former job at Dior - says he loves to makes clothes for his friends including...

Madonna And Jay-z Creating Youtube Content

Madonna and Jay Z are to create their own video channels on as part of a new business venture to expand the website.Bosses at the video-sharing site have shelled out over $100 million (£62.5...

Lennon & Wainwright Sing Material Girl For New York Protesters

John Lennon's son Sean hit the streets of New York with fellow musician Rufus Wainwright on Sunday (23Oct11) to serenade the Occupy Wall Street protesters with an acoustic version of Madonna's Material Girl.The singers became...

Madonna Booed At London W.e. Premiere

Madonna was jeered at the London premiere of her new movie W.E. on Sunday (23Oct11) for failing to spend enough time chatting to fans.Hundreds of devotees braved chilly weather at London's Leicester Square for a...

Lucy Liu Is Fascinated By Religion

Lucy Liu is fascinated by religion - because it can help people overcome problems in their lives.The actress is open to all faiths, including controversial ones like Scientology and Kabbalah, because she believes if they...

Adele Writes Bond Theme

Adele has finished writing her James Bond theme song. The 'Someone Like You' singer is preparing to go into the studio to record the track, which she wrote during a recent week off touring, and...

Debbie Harry Had 'Doubts' About Ex's Marriage

Debbie Harry had "doubts and suspicions" when her ex-boyfriend Chris Stein got married. The Blondie frontwoman - who dated her bandmate for 15 years until 1997 - was "jealous" when her former flame tied the...

Alexander Wang For Dior?

Alexander Wang is being tipped to take on John Galliano's former job at Dior.The fashion designer is thought to be the new choice for the position of head designer at the company - which became...

Helen Mirren Enjoys Pole Dancing

Dame Helen Mirren likes watching pole dancing.The 66-year-old actress - who is married to director Taylor Hackford - is "fascinated" by "sexy" imagery and is a big fan of Madonna and Lady Gaga.She told The...

Madonna Helped To Dress Actors On W.e. Set

Madonna's daily routine on the set of 'W.E' included helping to dress the actors and actresses. The singer wrote the script for and directed the new movie - a two-tier tale about the life of...

Madonna Rep Blasts Toronto Film Festival Diva Rumours

Madonna's representative has dismissed rumours of diva demands at the Toronto International Film Festival (Tiff) after the superstar's security guards reportedly ordered volunteers to turn away as she walked past.The Material Girl attended the annual...

Nervous Madonna Ready To Prove Herself As A Director

Madonna is growing nervous ahead of the release of her feature film directorial debut W.E. - because she feels she has to prove herself as a filmmaker the same way she did as a young...

Leona Lewis Insulted By Sexy Pop Stars

Leona Lewis finds it "insulting" how sexy pop stars present themselves to young girls.The 'Collide' hitmaker wants to have a sexy image, but wants to go about it in the right way and be seen...

Madonna's W.e To Show At London Film Festival

Madonna's 'W.E.' will have its British premiere at the London Film Festival.The film - which gained mixed reviews from critics after a gala screening out of competition at the Venice Film Festival last week -...

Madonna Gets Plant Rage At Venice Film Festival

Madonna "loathes" hydrangeas.The 53-year-old star - who is well known for her diva-like behaviour, once commenting she wouldn't continue with an interview until a window was opened - let slip she did not like the...

Michael Fassbender Impresses Critics At Venice Film Festival

Michael Fassbender's new movie, Shame, has been earning rave review at 2011 Venice Film Festival.The German-born actor plays Brandon, a man living in New York who has trouble controlling his sexual urges after his sister...

Madonna To Release New Album In 2012

Madonna will release her new album in spring 2012.The singer has confirmed she has started work on the LP - a follow-up to 2008's 'Hard Candy' - with producer William Orbit and she is expected...

Madonna's W.e. Slammed By Critics

Pop superstar Madonna's latest film effort W.E. has bombed with critics, who have branded the movie "extraordinarily silly" and "insubstantial".The Like A Virgin hitmaker stepped behind the camera for the royal drama, which documents the...

Madonna: 'Penn And Ritchie Encouraged Film Career'

Pop superstar Madonna has credited her "very talented" ex-husbands Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie with inspiring her to pursue a career as a director.The Like A Virgin hitmaker makes her feature film directorial debut with...

Madonna's Sex Book Is Most Wanted Out-of-print Publication

Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves.According to a new poll by, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book...

Madonna Works 'Tirelessly' In The Studio

Madonna is "easy" to collaborate with and "works tirelessly in the studio," according to Paul Oakenfold. The DJ produced Madonna's 2009 single 'Celebration', and said she was anything but a diva to record with.He told...

Antonio Banderas Was 'Afraid' Of Dating Madonna

Antonio Banderas was "afraid" of dating Madonna because she was too "powerful".The Spanish actor - who is now married to Melanie Griffith - was flattered when the pop superstar declared a romantic interest in him...

Madonna Launching Material Girl Beauty

Madonna's Material Girl is launching a beauty collection. The fashion label - which the singer designs with her 14-year-old daughter Lourdes - will expand to include a range of nail polish, lipgloss, body sprays and...

Madonna Planning To Open Orphanage In Africa

Pop superstar Madonna has announced big plans to open an orphanage in Malawi.The singer, who has adopted two children from the impoverished African nation, has turned her attention to helping other needy kids - and...

Madonna To Open Malawian Orphanage

Madonna plans to open an orphanage in Malawi.The 'Celebration' singer - who adopted five-year-old son David from the African country in 2006, followed by six-year-old daughter Mercy in 2009 - wants to redouble her efforts...

Michael Jackson 'Thriller' Jacket To Sell For $400k?

Michael Jackson's iconic 'Thriller' jacket could sell for as much as $400k when it is auctioned later this month. It is estimated that Jackson's recognisable red-and-black jacket will fetch within the region of $200k-$400k but...


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