Finally, after months of teasers and clips; on set photos and interviews, the first official Spider-Man 2 trailer is here, giving us an extended look at the action. Andrew Garfield will be taking on Jamie Foxx as Electro, Paul Giamatti as the Rhino and The Green Goblin in the highly anticipated sequel.

Spiderman 2 Andrew GarfieldHere is is! Swinging about

"Every day I wake up knowing, that the more people I try to save, the more enemies I will make," says Garfield in the trailer. "And it's just a matter of time, before I face those with more power, than I can overcome," he adds.

He is, of course, talking of the trio of enemies mentioned above; indeed, this is a stern test for Peter Parker, as he battles foes unlike anything he’s seen before. He’s also got Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacey to worry about, but at least she knows what he means when he talks about traffic jams.

Watch the Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer here

As pretty much all superhero movies do, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes a controversial topic in real life, and molds it into a world-changing scenario for its plot. In this case, Oscorp’s breach of privacy is intertwined with the dangerous technology they are harboring – designed by Parker’s own father – threatens everyone.

Paul Giamatti is The RhinoPaul Giamatti is The Rhino

Oscorp also links Parker’s threats together in the film. Norman Osborn's company - father of Peter Parker's best friend Harry – is at the centre of everything that goes wrong in the film for Spidey, but with Sony keeping tight-lipped about anything, we’ll just have to wait and see. The old, dangerous technology/corporation greed is something we’ve seen before, and wouldn’t bet against seeing it again when the film’s released.

The aptly named Marc Webb directs once again, having proved successful with the first movie. It wasn’t perfect, but any mistakes he made back in 2012 will surely have been explained to him clearly by fans of the Marvel hero – and there are plenty of them.

Jamie Foxx as ElectroJamie Foxx as Electro

We know about one change for sure; Webb is filming in 35mm rather than digitally like the last film. This was revealed in a Tweet back in February, when the director posted: "Day 1. #anamorphic #film #philthecameraoperator." The accompanying picture was that of a film camera, rather than a digital one, which the film will be post-converted to 3D, as Webb has confirmed that it will definitely be released in 3D.

Next Page: Webb on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and more great pictures