Bradley Cooper’s being coy about his chances of winning an Oscar with Silver Linings Playbook. “In terms of all that Oscar stuff, honestly that would be absolutely insane,” he told Reuters. “I very much doubt that it would happen. But it would be insane.”

In the movie, he plays the role of Pat Solitano, a bipolar former teacher who has moved back in with his parents, in an attempt to repair his relationship with his wife. When Jennifer Lawrence’s character – an “abrasive widow” enters his life, balance their different mental health issues and behavioral quirks. Silver Linings Playbook is a move away from Cooper’s recent comic roles (he’s perhaps best known for starring in the Hangover) but he’s relished the challenge: “This character has to go from A to Z in the emotional landscape, which is heaven for an actor. I've never been able to do these kinds of things on film, so it was a huge opportunity.”

He may not be convinced about the possibility of taking home an Oscar statuette when awards season swings round but he’s still proud of the movie and his achievements in it: “What I feel is excitement and hope that people go out and see this film and love it. I really hope the movie lives. That's all I think about.” Silver Linings Playbook is released on Friday November 16, 2012. 

Watch the Silver Linings Playbook trailer