911 Calls Have Got Katie Couric All Shook Up

  • 14 February 2013

Something's rotten in Denmark; Katie Couric is as bemused as were are at the 911 calls being made from her late husband, Jay Monahan's, landline. Fox News report Couric explaining the strange goings on to her studio audience.

"It's happened like three times the last three weeks," Couric reportedly told the live audience during a break in taping her talk show Katie. "Every day, every time at 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning. I was out of town the last time it happened and apparently it happened before when nobody was home," she said. "So I called Ray Kelly, who I know just through the years seeing at different things. 'Ray, this is so weird but can you help me? I don't know what to do.'" Reports suggest there have been least 10 calls placed from the line. Each time one of these calls goes through, a patrol car has responded to the calls. "The matter is under investigation. We're trying to determine if it's a malfunction or not," a police source said, according to The New York Daily News.

Couric married Jay Monahan in 1989 but found herself to be a widow not 10 years later, as Monahan sadly passed in '98 due to colon cancer. Since then, Couric has used her considerable clout to campaign and fulfil the role of spokesperson for colon cancer awareness.

Image caption Katie Couric Has Certainly Been Spooked By The Phone Calls