Russell Crowe was scared into shape after piling on the pounds for 2008 movie BODY OF LIES - because he gained so much weight, he struggled to even climb out of his car.
The Gladiator star's weight has fluctuated over the last 10 years due to yo-yo dieting for different movie roles.
Crowe bulked up to play an overweight spy in Body of Lies - and admits he got so fat he got stuck in his own car.
The embarrassing accident forced the star to undergo a health check and he discovered his cholesterol levels were dangerously high.
Crowe says, "At one point I worried about it from a health point of view because I had my cholesterol checked. It had reached dangerous territory.
"I was surprised that my body was taking all of it so seriously. I was enjoying myself, because I was eating and drinking what I liked, but my body was objecting.
"The most frightening thing was having to rock back and forwards to get out of a car. Instead of stepping out, I had to tip myself out."