Jennifer Garner Hired 120 Goats To Take Care Of Ivy Problem

  • 15 October 2014

Actress Jennifer Garner recently hired a herd of goats to take care of an ivy problem at her Hollywood Hills home.

The star and her husband Ben Affleck decided to get rid of the plant after discovering rats were hiding in the bushes, but the actor balked at the expense involved with ripping the ivy up and so Garner came up with a solution.

The actress showed off a photo of her goat herd during an appearance on U.S. late-night show Conan on Tuesday (14Oct14), stating, "I sent that picture to Ben on location... It was, like, his first day on the Batman set... I said, 'Honey, I'm taking care of the ivy'.

"It was 120 goats and we had a party; we called it The Running of the Goats... and we invited a bunch of kids and we herded them from the driveway to the ivy... They eat the ivy."

Her plan worked and as the goats gobbled away at the ivy, the rats scurried away, but there was another problem.

Garner explains, "Y'know what? They're (goats) loud and at night they're pretty docile, they're fairly quiet but every now and then there was one that would be right under my bedroom window and it would go, 'Mama, mama...' and I would leap out of bed."

And she reveals the ivy issue hasn't completely gone away: "Ivy grows back. We have a full hill... I'm waiting for Ben to notice."