Jon Stewart Almost Causes Emmy Award Controversy With F-Bomb

  • 24 September 2012

Can you feel that? It's the earth reverberating after Jon Stewart nearly shocked a primetime television audience by dropping an F-bomb at last night's Emmy Awards 2012. Stewart was up on stage to collect his now seemingly obligatory gong for The Daily Show - its 10th consecutive win in the history of the Emmys - and, after a mock fight with his cohorts Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon, he almost caused a nightmare for television broadcasters by swearing.

Stewart praised his competition by stating "Stephen Colbert - their show, what they did with superpacs this year was ridiculous, ridonkulous. Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, I spend way too much time on the Internet watching their shows. Real Time with Bill Maher is constantly writing lines I wish I'd written. Without Lorne Michaels and SNL, I don't think any of us would be doing this. We make topical comedy which has the shelf life of egg salad, so to do this for 15 years and have tangible proof that what we do isn't just ephemeral is wonderful."

The air turned blue when he then commented "Years from now, when the earth is just a burning husk and aliens visit, we'll find a box of these and they will know just how predictable these (effing) shows were." However, producers were able to bleep out the expletive and save what would sure have been a disaster of unimaginable proportions.