Carrey: There's Nothing Wrong With 'Fart Jokes'

  • 02 July 2003

[Jim Carrey]( has shunned suggestions his comedy films have been responsible for the "dumbing of America" - insisting that there's nothing wrong with a fart joke.

The rubber-faced Canadian comedian made his name with gross-out comedies like ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE and [Dumb And Dumber](, and resents criticisms that his child-like brand of humour has adversely affected his adopted country.

He argues, "I've been dubbed, 'The man most responsible for the dumbing of America,' which was pretty cruel and unfair.

"People like to laugh and most people can find humour in everything. Laughing at a fart joke doesn't make you a moron!"

02/07/2003 13:44