Alice PLayten Thursday 18th November 2010 Opening night after party for the Lincoln Center Theater Broadway production of 'A Free Man of Color' held at Avery Fisher Hall New York City, USA
Alice PLayten Thursday 18th November 2010 Opening night after party for the Lincoln Center Theater Broadway production of 'A Free Man of Color' held at Avery Fisher Hall New York City, USA
To wit: This is a movie about a Puck-like character named Jack (Tom Cruise, before he hit it really big) who wages war against the Lord of Darkness, a demon seeking to create eternal night in his fantasy kingdom by marrying the local princess (Mia Sara) and killing the last of the unicorns. A quest naturally follows, with the goal of saving the princess -- and along the way, the world.
Continue reading: Legend Review
I've never seen "Doug," the Saturday morning cartoon that spawnedthis inconsequential feature film spin-off, so maybe I'm missing some vitalbit of understanding to figure out why anyone should shell out for ticketand popcorn to watch what amounts to a weak TV special of the simplestof kiddie cartoons.
Pubescent string bean in a bike helmet Doug Funnie seemslike an awful nice guy and a good animated role model, but his movie debutlacks the scope or even the ambition to justify this kid's leap to bigscreen.
Continue reading: Doug's First Movie Review
Seventeen years after its release, noted film tinkerer Ridley Scott has returned to his entry...
I've never seen "Doug," the Saturday morning cartoon that spawnedthis inconsequential feature film spin-off, so...