Snow Patrol

New Single - Run Released January 26 th

There are songs that are great, and there are GREAT songs that take on a life of their own. January 26 th sees the release of one of these - the shimmering new single Run' by Snow Patrol.

When Snow Patrol released Final Straw' this autumn, reaction to Run' was overwhelming. Described in more than one publication as an epic', press and radio immediately latched onto this track as the one that will make the band massive. Several way-up front plays from Jo Whiley and two plays in the same show from Zane Lowe illustrate just how much feeling for

Music - Snow Patrol - New Single - Run Released January 26 th

this song full of feeling there already is.

Right from the trembling guitar intro, Gary Lightbody's velvet soft voice doesn't tug the heart strings, it pulls them out by the roots. With a chorus that has all the makings of a classic, the refrain of light up, light up' is stirring stuff indeed.

The video for the track was shot during a particularly cold night in Kent . Locals in the remote area where it was filmed called the police when they saw several distress flares being let off, only for them to discover when they turned up four freezing Irishmen making a music video.

America has also discovered Snow Patrol. The album is not released there until March 2004, but already Spin and Vanity Fair have included the band in their ones to watch' features, and dates are being planned for early in the year.

The band are currently mixing their own headline dates with support slots to Grandaddy. So impressed have Grandaddy been that they have worked the chorus of Run' into one of their own songs. Gigs are as follows

Snow Patrol Headline Dates : Nov 28 Blackwood Miners Institute, 29 Milford Haven Imperial, 30 Swansea University, December 1 Bournemouth The Villa, 2 Exeter Caver

As support to Grandaddy: December 7 Brighton Corn Exchange, 8 Norwich Waterfront, 9 Portsmouth Pyramid, 10 Brixton Academy

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