Hollywood Walk Of Fame Ceremony: The Closest Goldie Hawn And Kurt Russell Will Get To A Wedding?

  • 05 May 2017

Despite the fact that Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have been together for 33 years and have a son together, you might be surprised to know that they've never gone as far as tying the knot officially. However, after the riotous celebration for their induction on to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, they don't really need a wedding.

Image caption Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell celebrate getting stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

After being in the entertainment for 50 years, one of showbiz's most iconic couples landed a rare double unveiling of two stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame yesterday (May 4th 2017). Plenty of their family members were there, including Goldie's daughter with Bill Hudson, Kate Hudson (who considers Kurt Russell to be her father), who cracked a joke about how the event was kind of like the couple getting married.

'I was slotted in to talk about my mother, but I have two parents and they're both here. I always thought I'd be talking about them at a wedding or something', Kate joked. 'But since a wedding doesn't seem to be in our near future, this seems to be my only opportunity.'

Image caption Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell joined by their family for the ceremony

With all the excitement surrounding the unique Hollywood honour, Goldie is considering getting married after all if they can have a big party like that again. 'Can we just get married? We've never had a celebration like this before', said Goldie.

And Kurt Russell basically shared what could have been a groom's speech. 'Goldie to you, I owe my wonderful life', he gushed. 'Simply put Goldie, I cherish you. All of the stars in the sky or the boulevard don't hold a candle to that. There's no one else I'd rather be next to than Goldie Hawn.'

More: Kurt Russell opens up about his first date with Goldie Hawn

Despite having enormous success as separate artists, Kurt and Goldie have starred together in just two films: 1987's Garry Marshall-directed 'Overboard' and 1984's 'Swing Shift' directed by Jonathan Demme. They met during the filming of the latter, and Kurt recently shared details of their very first date together where they set out to practise dancing for the movie and ended up getting caught in an intimate position by a police officer.

Congratulations to Hollywood's happiest couple.

Image caption Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell show off their new stars