Check Out This Insane 'Harry Potter Vs Stranger Things' Mash-Up

  • 01 November 2016

If you thought the Charlie Brown inspired 'A Stranger Things Christmas' was good, you have to see the latest mash-up from Comedy Central. It's 1 minute 44 seconds worth of clips from all the 'Harry Potter' movies and various episodes of 'Stranger Things' blurred together in an incredible display of visual mastery.

Image caption Comedy Central brings two fandoms together: 'Stranger Things' and 'Harry Potter'

Comedy Central presents 'Potter Things' which melds together the two theme tunes from 'Harry Potter' and 'Stranger Things' and a bunch of interesting clips using some extraordinary editing trickery. If you're a huge fan of both worlds, we guarantee this will be the best thing you see all week.

'Potter Things' sees Will riding into the night on his bicycle with Hogwarts castle in the background, past signs reading 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' and 'Restricted Area - No Trespassing - U.K. Government Property'. Then there's Dumbledore addressing the Great Hall and introducing Lucas, Mike and Dustin, and Hermione Granger taking on the 'Stranger Things' kids' bullies a la 'Prisoner of Azkaban'.

Harry and Ron meet Eleven in the Forbidden Forest in 'Chamber Of Secrets' scenes rather than Aragog, and Snape berates Eleven for stealing from his potions stores in a shot from 'Goblet Of Fire'. The video ends with a particularly clever manipulation of the lights and letters on Will's mom's wall which spell out 'Harry Potter'.

More: 'Stranger Things' Meets 'Charlie Brown' in 'A Stranger Things Christmas'

Last week we saw 'Stranger Things' turned into a 'Peanuts' style cartoon called 'A Stranger Things Christmas', which followed a similar plotline to 1965's 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' with a miserable Will Byers in the lead role after his rescue from the Upside Down. It was created by filmmaking duo Leigh Lahav and Oren Mendez for YouTube, and sees Snoopy replaced by a demogorgon.

Season one of 'Stranger Things' is currently streaming on Netflix, with season two set to arrive in 2017.