Benjamin Millepied To Present Vertigo-inspired Ballet Piece At Cannes

  • 11 May 2015

The dancer, director of the Paris Opera Ballet, has centred the five-minute piece around a sequence in 1958 thriller, featuring James Stewart and Kim Novak.

The performance, set to the sounds of Bernard Herrmann's score, will feature 17 dancers, including Millepied's L.A. Dance Project star Morgan Lugo, former New York City Ballet principal Janie Taylor and Paris Opera Ballet soloist Leonore Baulac, according to The New York Times.

Millepied says, "It's the best film score. Herrmann's music lends itself to dance and is very beautiful."

Millepied's actress wife Portman will also be a big presence at Cannes - she'll unveil her full feature film directorial debut, A Tale of Love and Darkness, which will screen out of competition.