Lindsay Lohan Explains Why She Is "Much Happier" Living In London

  • 21 February 2015

Lindsay Lohan is set on never calling the U.S. home again. The troubled 28-year-old actress is currently living in London after she successfully starred in David Mamet's 'Speed-the-Plow' on the West End, and it seems she is planning on staying in England's capital for good.

Image caption Lohan is set on staying in London for the foreseeable future

Over the years Lohan's personal life has often garnered the attention of the paparazzi and media, mainly for her self-destructive behaviour, stints in rehab, partying lifestyle and constant run-ins with the law, but now London has given her the stability she has desperately desired.

The former child actress has now lived in the Capital city for six months and has recently extended the lease on her flat in the West End.

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"I'd always wanted to make the move to London, but I don't think I was in the right place. I wasn't ready. I still wanted to run around, and moving to another country on your own is a big deal," she told issue 8 of Hunger, 'We've Got Issues'. "But I came here for days and ended up staying for months, and now that I'm here I'm happy. I work more. I take better care of myself."

Lohan, who is originally from the Big Apple, also told the magazine, "I'm much happier here. I love New York too, but it's too late for me. I've seen pretty much all there is to see. I don't need to see it all over again."

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As for Los Angeles, the 'Mean Girls' alum has no interest in ever returning. "The last time I went to LA it was my friend's birthday and we went to this karaoke place," she admitted. "It was the same people, the same faces, nothing had changed. It felt very unevolved."

"I've seen so much in the past three years and I'm ready to put to bed the reason I had to stay in L.A. - my court stuff, the community service," she continued. "No one thought I was going to finish. My dad didn't think I was going to finish. And if I didn't, they were going to give me jail time. I was like, 'Of course I'm going to finish.'"