Justin Bieber Sued By Fan For $9 Million After 'Sound Blast'

  • 13 July 2012

A former fan of the teen pop sensation Justin Bieber is taking the singer to court, Tmz reports. Stacey Wilson Betts claims that she was hit by a "sound blast" at one of his concerts, that she claims was all Bieber's fault. Well, actually, she claims that the blame lies between, Bieber, his record label, the concert promoter and the pesky metal heart-shaped gondola upon which he was perched when the damage was done. She doesn't appear to be suing the gondola but the rest of them have been slapped with a $9 million lawsuit to compensate for the tinnitus and "other hearing-related damage"
In her lawsuit, Stacey claims that the damage occurred when she took her daughter to see Justin Bieber in Portland, Oregon, on July 14, 2010. According to the suit, it was "incredibly loud" inside the arena, largely thanks to Bieber's over-excited and screaming Beliebers. This catastrophic screaming apparently got much worse when Justin climbed into the offending gondola, which was pulled out into the crowd. Not only did the gondola apparently act as a "sound conductor, creating a sound blast" that Stacey claims caused permanent damage to her ears, but Bieber himself made the whole thing a lot worse by "pointing to various sections of the arena."
After all, we all know what happens when Bieber points at people. Those people scream. And when he "continuously (waves) his arms in a quick and upward motion" those people are "enticed into a frenzy." If you are planning on attending one of Justin's forthcoming concert dates: you have been warned.