Natalie Wood

  • 31 October 2005



Michael Jace, O.J. Simpson: Hollywood's Most Shocking Murders

By Sophie Miskiw in Lifestyle / Showbiz on 22 May 2014

Michael Jace Natalie Wood Jennifer Hudson

The news that Michael Jace has been arrested for the murder of his wife is shocking, but it's not the first time that Hollywood has been shaken by a celebrity crime.

The shocking news that “The Shield” actor Michael Jace killed his wife of 10 years has shocked the entertainment world. For non-celebrities the life of famous people always seems so glamorous and stress-free, so it’s a surprise when it turns out their lives can be more troubled and complicated below the surface than anyone had ever realised.

Image caption Natalie Wood And James Dean In The Classic Movie 'Rebel Without A Cause'

An explosive new report into the death of Natalie Wood by the Los Angeles County Coroner's report questions the original 1981 findings that led investigators to conclude Wood died accidentally, reports the Los Angeles Times. Wood - who was known to be terrified of the water - was assumed to have fallen overboard during a boating trip with husband Robert Wagner and the actor Christopher Walken.

A new report concludes that bruising on Wood's wrists and other areas are more consistent with injuries from an assault prior to the point in which she entered the water. The findings stop short of classifying her death as a homicide, though suggest it may not be as simple an explanation as accidental death. Additional sources who spoke with the L.A. Times said the bruises were originally overlooked in the accidental-death finding more than 30 years ago. At the time of her death, husband Robert Wagner told authorities that Wood fell off their 60-foot yacht Spendour possibly while trying to re-tie a dinghy that had been banging against the side of the boat, disturbing her sleep.

Continue reading: Natalie Wood Death: Bruises Suggest Hollywood Actress Was Assaulted

West Side Story Review

By Christopher Null


It's hard to feel manly watching West Side Story. Really hard. And that's strange, because it's about two groups of murderous street gangs (one white, one Puerto Rican) in New York City. I guess it's the dancing, the pastel outfits, and the really tight pants that make it seem so frilly.

I kid, of course. Among movie musicals, West Side Story ranks in the top five in greatness, and it's arguably the most popular musical ever released. It may be awfully frou-frou -- and let's face it, the dance numbers are awfully similar -- but West Side Story has a tale as timeless as its source material (Romeo and Juliet) and countless songs that have become musical classics. "Maria," "America," "I Feel Pretty," "Tonight" -- you can probably hum these without even thinking about it.

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Rebel Without A Cause Review

By Don Willmott


Rebel Without a Cause, the second of the three films James Dean starred in before his untimely death, is the movie that made him an instant legend. Released just 27 days after his fatal car crash, the film froze him in time and later took on even more legendary proportions when his co-stars, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo, also died premature deaths. (Amazingly enough, Dennis Hopper, who appeared in two Dean movies, is still alive.)

Nicholas Ray's study of the epidemic of juvenile delinquency that terrified post-war parents in the '50s is still compelling today even if the delinquency depicted -- leather jackets, switchblades, drag racing -- seems positively quaint by today's shoot-up-the-school-with-an-Uzi standards. Dean takes the role of Jim Trask and runs with it, chewing up the scenery when the script demands it and then throttling back into profound stillness in his moodier moments.

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This Property Is Condemned Review

By Christopher Null


Let's get beyond the awful title. (It's based on an obscure Tennessee Williams play... but why didn't they change the name!?)Let's look at the crew -- a script co-written by Francis Ford Coppola and John Houseman as producer!

Continue reading: This Property Is Condemned Review