Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  • 20 December 2005

Steven Spielberg Surprised By Drop In UFO Sightings

By WENN in Bizarre / Weird Wonderful on 28 June 2005

Steven Spielberg Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Legendary film-maker Steven Spielberg has expressed amazement at the direct decline in UFO sighting in opposite proportion to growth in video equipment.

Steven Spielberg, the acclaimed multiple Academy Award-winning Hollywood director, has expressed a sincere confusion about how the number of UFO sightings has dropped significantly over the last 20 years. Especially considering how the technology to spot and monitor UFOs has increased significantly since the sightings were most prominent.

Image caption Steven Spielberg is surprised by the lack of UFO sightings recently

59-year-old Spielberg made an entire series of films based around UFOs and alien-themed films, such as 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind', 'ET: The Extra-Terrestrial' and 'War Of The Worlds'. He has further expressed a disappointment that he will never have the chance to actually see a genuine UFO for himself.

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