Well, We Never Had Madonna Down As A Thatcherite

  • 21 April 2015

If you were trying to predict Madonna's political persuasions you probably have her somewhere on the left, wouldn't you? Still, the Queen of Pop found herself under a wave of criticism this week after sharing a gushing picture of the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on her Instagram account.

Image caption Madonna caused controversy by tweeting a tribute picture to Margaret Thatcher

Madonna captioned the quote: "If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing." The singer also tagged the photo by saying, "Thank you Margaret Thatcher," followed with the hashtags #unapologetic, #rebelheart and a love heart.

It's a strange show of support from the singer. Thatcher is still regarded as one of the most divisive leaders in modern history and, unsurprisingly, the Instagram photo didn't go down well with Madonna's gay fans. Thatcher is still a polarizing character in the LGBT community after banning schools from "promoting homosexuality".

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Madonna quickly deleted the Thatcher post, though it's been shared online. It comes after the singer shared similar "rebel heart" photographs of Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and Bob Marley.

The singer reportedly got into hot water on Saturday after she allegedly started texting during a performance of Hamilton at New York City's Public Theater on Saturday. Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda, the star and composer of the show made a reference to an unnamed celebrity in the audience, tweeting: "Tonight was the first time I asked stage management NOT to allow a celebrity (who was texting all through Act 2) backstage #noselfieforyou."

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A source told People magazine: "It was definitely her [Madonna]. She was texting, I believe, although at one point she also pulled out a Blackberry. She was also 20 minutes late and caused quite a stir getting to her seat."