Benedict Cumberbatch's Hope For New Fiancee

  • 23 November 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch thinks his fans will like his fiancee.

The 'Imitation Game' star - who recently revealed he was engaged to Sophie Hunter - believes his loyal fans will love his future bride because they love him.

He explained: ''Since the woman I'm engaged to is as much a part of me as anything else in my life, if they like me, by extension they like her.''

The 38-year-old actor also revealed that he doesn't mind the attention he gets from women.

He said: ''I think most of it is good-natured and like anyone who's ever been in the public eye and kind of revered in a way that I've been by these fans, the possession only takes on a sinister quality if the [fan] is really not very secure.''

Benedict - who confirmed his engagement last month by placing an announcement in the Times newspaper - has revealed that he chose that method so he had more ''control''.

He told the New York Daily News: ''There are other operations in newspapers that find things out or try to publicise rumour and gossip.

''I wanted to take control over the facts of it and announce it in a way that I would've done if I wasn't famous.''

The announcement in the newspaper, published on November 5th, read: ''Mr B. T. Cumberbatch and Miss S.I. Hunter: The engagement is announced between Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch of London, and Sophie, daughter of Katharine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London.''