5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Benedict Cumberbatch

  • 01 June 2014

In the space of four years, Benedict Cumberbatch has won the heart of the British nation, revitalised a classic literary detective and been voted the sexiest man alive by Empire. Cumberbatch may be the nation's latest obsession but what do we really know about the 37-year-old actor?

Image caption Benedict Cumberbatch certainly has our attention.

Here are 5 facts you probably didn't know:

1) He Was Abducted

Cumberbatch was abducted in 2005 whilst in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Whilst filming To the Ends of the Earth, Cumberbatch was driving in Durban along with two friends when the car's front tyres went flat. As the three friends were attempting to repair the tyres, six men appeared and tied up Cumberbatch and his two companions before driving all three into the middle of nowhere.

Cumberbatch described his experience to THR and explained how he appreciated the value of life following the incident. He stated that such an experience "really, really enriches your values in life," adding "it's incredibly important."

2) He Can Marry You

In 2013, Cumberbatch officiated the same-sex wedding of his friends. The Sherlock actor may only have been ordained on the internet but he was more than happy to officiate the ceremony. At the time Cumberbatch told the THR: "Two friends of mine are getting married, and they really wanted a friend to perform the ceremony. So I went on the Internet and got ordained. I really know how to do weddings now! And I'm available!"

3) He Does Shakespeare And Sesame Street

Cumberbatch will be appearing in the second series of films for The Hollow Crown franchise and is set to play Richard III. Although Shakespeare may not be for everyone, Cumberbatch certainly impressed his younger fans when he appeared on Sesame Street earlier this year, alongside Count Von Count and Murray.

Image caption Cumberbatch's Sherlock has won over even the harshest of critics.