Why Lily Allen's Instagram Profile Is THE BEST

  • 29 May 2014

Aren’t celebrity instagram profiles the best thing? They’ve provided us with intimate insights, hilarious moments, the occasional bit of controversy and, in Lily Allen’s case, boob muffs (those are ear muffs, shaped like breasts, btw). It’s tough to pick favorites, but Sheezus’ profile is probably close to the best when it comes to hilarity. Here are our top picks from Allen’s camera roll.

  1. The aforementioned boob muffs picture. We’re glad instagram didn’t censor this one, because the world needed to see these.
  1. Every picture of Lily’s manicure ever. So you know how you always imagine the perfectly manicured nails you could have, if you just had the time? Yeah, we all do it. It’s never going to happen. But we can all live vicariously through Lily Allen’s amazing instagram shots.
Image caption Lily Allen At Radio 1's Big Weekend
  1. Fashionable friends. Occasionally, various celebs will make cameos on Allen’s Instagram – there are selfies with Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Cara Delevingne, Donatella Versace and practically every trendy celebrity you could think of. And not that this is surprising, given the number of stylists, who work for these people, but everyone looks pretty boss.
  1. MEMES. Yes, image macros are old. No, most of these have not been funny since at least 2010. But then you come across the following gem on Allen’s instagram and it gives you the warm fuzzies. Remember a simpler time, a time before Instagram, when Lily’s The Fear was just making the rounds and Justin Bieber was still a geeky kid with a guitar and a bowl cut... aah, the good old days.

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  1. Sheezus tour videos. The best thing about Instagram is that it lets us feel close to the celebrities we love (even though it’s all fake, etc. etc.) And there’s really no experience more bonding than seeing Lily Allen grinding down in her Spanx to the tune of Drake’s Started from the Bottom. That’s a video that’ll stay with you.

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