One Batman To Another: Michael Keaton Approves Of Ben Affleck Casting

  • 30 August 2013

Former Batman Michael Keaton says he approves of Ben Affleck's casting as Batman. Affleck has been under fire from fans of the superhero ever since news of his casting was revealed. Affleck will star as Batman, alongside Henry Cavill as Superman, in the 2015 sequel to Superman: Man of Steel.

Image caption Michael Keaton approves of Ben Affleck as Batman.

Keaton featured as Batman in two films. The first in 1989 was directed by Tim Burton and featured Jack Nicholson as the Joker. Keaton reprised his role in 1992 in Batman Returns, also directed by Burton, playing opposite Danny De Vito as the terrifying Penguin villain.

Keaton was caught on camera by TMZ reporters on Wednesday 28th in Los Angeles. When questioned about the latest Batman casting, Keaton said Affleck will be "great" and "is gonna be good." Bizarrely, Keaton appeared not to have known about Affleck's role until fairly recently. He said "someone just told me." He did seem in a rush to get away, which is no surprised when the paparazzo accosting him was incapable of completing a sentence.

Image caption Christian Bale was the last actor to play Batman.