Creed Star Mark Tremonti Joins Forces With Van Halen, Jr.

  • 07 March 2013

Creed star Mark Tremonti has formed a new supergroup with EDDIE VAN HALEN's son Wolfgang.

The young bassist, who became a member of his dad's rock act when he was a teenager, jumped at the chance to perform on Tremonti's new solo album and the guitarist was so impressed with the 21 year old's talents he has asked him to be a permanent member of his group.

He tells, "He's an amazing musician. He doesn't have that Van Halen gig just because his last name is Van Halen. He's an amazing bass player. He's also an amazing drummer and guitar player - he's definitely got a lot of his dad's genes in him. And he's got a real sharp mind when it comes to memorising and learning."

And Van Halen plans to take his new gig seriously - when he's not on the road or in the studio with his dad's band.

He says, "Van Halen is definitely the priority, but whenever Van Halen isn't doing anything, I treat this as another band I'm legitimately in. I'm really excited to be on the next record and have some sort of influence on the writing.

"(I'd also) like to be a drummer in a band at some point... I've always loved the whole Dave Grohl story of how he started Foo Fighters and just did a whole demo album by himself before he put a group together. I'd love to do that."