Could Ben Affleck Still Win The Best Director Oscar?

  • 16 January 2013

If this was scripted in a Hollywood film you’d think that it was an absolutely hokey way in order to let the good guy win, yet, for Ben Affleck a schmaltzy reprieve is exactly what could be on the cards after people started murmuring about an old Oscar loophole that hasn’t been used since the 1930’s. If it’s implemented, the Argo man could still be in the running for Best Director.

It’s been well documented that Affleck was the bookies favorite for the Best Director category at the Oscars next month before he was shockingly overlooked completely in the nominations; Benh Zeitlin, Ang Lee, Steven Spielberg, Michael Haneke and David O Russell will be the ones going to head-to-head. Or will they?

The Hollywood Reporter has unearthed a precedent whereby someone could still be in the running even if not nominated, because people simply vote for them anyway. Bette Davis came third in the Oscars (when the voting was still visible to the public) for Best Actress in 1934 after a write-in, whilst Hal Mohr actually won one in 1935. Could the same happen to Affleck who, by the way, won twice at the weekend’s Golden Globes? Unlikely, given the write-in has been banned by the Oscars ever since. But if there was enough of a clamor of it then maybe, just maybe…

Check out the Argo trailer