Can Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Looper Top The Box Office Charts?

  • 28 September 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s latest movie has achieved the unthinkable. And no, we’re not just talking about the time travel that features in the movie. Looper has received resoundingly positive reviews, across the board. In terms of major movie releases, Looper has hardly received the kind of widespread attention of other major releases this year, such as Dark Knight Rises or Avengers but with such a strong, positive critical response, who knows how well Looper could do at the box office.

Science fiction movies don’t often grab the critics but Looper certainly seems to have managed it. Writing for Los Angeles Times, Kenneth Turan wrote “this is a highflying, super-stylish science-fiction thriller that brings a fresh approach to mind-bending genre material” and his sentiments were echoed by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone, who surmised “However long it takes to get your bearings, Looper is worth it. Bruce Willis expertly blends tough and tender and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is at the top of his game in this rip-roaring mind-bender.”

And of course, the star of the show, former child star Joseph Gordon Levitt, has impressed the critics with his performance, too. The New York Times critic Manohla Dargis was particularly taken with him, writing “Mr. Johnson throws a lot at the screen, blasted corpses included, yet little here is as initially transfixing as Mr. Gordon-Levitt's mug.” With an impressive 92% score on Rotten Tomatoes and an opening weekend ahead of it, can Looper top this weekend’s box office chart?