Video - World Premiere Of The Dark Knight Rises: Bane And Commissioner Gordon Actors Arrive

  • 17 July 2012

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Among arrivals at New York City's 'The Dark Knight Rises' premiere were stars Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy; Oldman with jazz singer wife Alexandra Edenborough and Hardy with 'Easy Virtue' actress and wife Charlotte Riley. Former 'American Idol' contestant and frontman of rock band Daughtry also made an appearance. His involvement in the Batman franchise included his recording of the song 'Drown in You' for the 2011 video game 'Batman: Arkham City'.

Oldman ('Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy') recently expressed a career scare to Jimmy Kimmel on his show when he managed to lose his 'Dark Knight Rises' script in his hotel room and was worried it would be found and leaked. It was, however, retrieved within minutes