Hugh Jackman Losing Weight On Broadway Dancing Diet

  • 29 November 2011

Hugh Jackman's Broadway variety show is good for his figure - the actor's daily dance routines are helping him shed a few pounds every night.
The X-Men star is currently starring in his own musical, Hugh Jackman, Back on Broadway, and he admits the rigorous dance numbers have done wonders for his waistline, losing three or four pounds (1.36 to 1.81 kilograms) a day.
But his slimmer body is causing minor issues for the show's costume department - because his measurements are constantly changing.
He tells America's National Public Radio network, "We started a week ago; already they've taken my pants in three times."
Jackman's 10-week engagement will run until January (12).
In the show, the movie star performs a personal selection of his favourite musical numbers accompanied by an 18-piece orchestra.