Not verbatim, but you get the point
Alright, so he didn’t quite say it like that, but Wentworth Miller has sent a message out to Russia and their homophobic regime by coming out as gay and declining an invitation to the St Petesburg Film Festival.
"As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes," Miller wrote in the letter, posted on GLAAD's website. See, it’s a little more eloquent than out headline. "However, as a gay man, I must decline."
Miller is known for his hard-as-nails role in Prison Break, a hard-hitting boxset crime drama that doesn’t hold back on the violence. Miller added he was "deeply troubled by the current attitude toward and treatment of gay men and women by the Russian government," and did not want attend an event in a country where "people like myself are being systematically denied their basic right to live and love openly".
Russia have come under worldwide criticism for their anti-gay politics. It came under the gaze of the media when punk band Pussy Riot were imprisoned for two-years following a show of defiance against the Vladimir Putin-lead government.
"Wentworth's bold show of support sends a powerful message to LGBT Russians, who are facing extreme violence and persecution: you are not alone," said GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz. "As people from across the globe continue to speak out against Russia's horrific law, more celebrities and corporations should follow his courageous lead in openly condemning Russia's anti-LGBT law," he added. As well as starring in Prison Break, Wentworth recently took to the page, penning the script for the thriller Stoker, which starred Nicole Kidman.
Wentworth Miller signs autographs for adoring Prison Break fans
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