Review of Big Whiskey and the GrooGux King Album by The Dave Matthews Band
Review of Dave Matthews Band's album Big Whiskey and the GrooGux King.
This album, the seventh studio album from the Dave Matthews Band, turned out to be somewhat of a dedication to late DMB saxophonist LeRoi Moore who died last August, and befittingly the album opens with 'Grux', a short track showing Moore's subtle sax tones. It is not clear from the album notes exactly which tracks Moore managed to contribute to before his demise but nods of appreciation are made to him throughout.
After the mellow 'Grux' follows the punchy 'Shake Me Like A Monkey' with some chunky guitars and brass section and tongue in cheek lyrics. 'Funny The Way It Is' has a sting feel to it and 'Why I Am' has a pleasing repetitive riff.
The album has a classic rock edge to it, and as is usual, and expected from a DMB album, we get a multitude of instruments played t an impeccable standard. A heavy classic rock influence with a tinge of Lenny Kravitz can be heard on 'Seven' and Matthews shows of his vocal talents in 'Time Bomb'.
Some quality acoustic based tracks can be found in 'Baby Blue' and 'You and Me' and the enjoyable bluegrass track 'Corn Bread' brings the album to a satisfactory close.
With any DMB album produced, it sets a bar for song writing, musical quality and outstanding production.
Rating: 8/10
Pablo Roffey
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