In preparation for his role on CSI, Ted Danson decided – like some of the finest method actors of our time – that experiencing a morgue in real life and seeing how an autopsy works would bolster his performance in the procedural. He’s probably regretting it now.

Ted DansonTed Danson doesn't remember the morgue fondly...

He admits the autopsy "changed my life" as he spent the majority of his time hoping the dead didn’t come back to life.

"They suited me up and I walked in... One guy, who was completely splayed open, was like a science experiment... but that wasn't as scary as the person who looked like he did probably five minutes before he died; he looked like he had just closed his eyes. That was death,” he recalled, according to WENN.

"I still can't talk about it without going, 'Good Lord'... I ended up holding this man's skullcap while they weighed his (brain). I went home and wept and called my wife... It changed me. It was big."

We’d love to have been privy to that phone call, but alas, something are to remain private forever.

Danson has been in a divulging mood of late. He also revealed the myth surrounding he and Woody Harrelson’s mushroom trip is 100% true.

"We were in the harbour, I hadn't had any breakfast, I have the munchies and Woody says, 'Have you ever tried mushrooms?' explained Danson. "I have a free day, I'm on a boat... I will be called upon by nobody, I'm not responsible for anything today. How wonderful... I ate way more than my share and for the next three hours I died,” he added.

"I would forget to breathe and George Wendt, who's so bored that I'd done this... would look at me and go, 'BREATHE!'" You’ll remember George for playing Norm in the pub where everybody knows your name.