The rocker and his partner Beth Kaltman, who he married in 2010, welcomed a daughter named Ellington Bee Yorn in Los Angeles on 25 August (15). Yorn shared a picture of the...
Scarlett Johansson has returned to working on her singing career.The actress has collaborated with Lulu Gainsbourg on a cover of French music legend Serge Gainsbourg's 'Bonnie & Clyde'. The track comes from Lulu's tribute album...
SCARLETT JOHANSSON dreads heading out on tour with her new musical collaborator PETE YORN - because she suffers from terrible stage fright.The actress has recorded a new album with Yorn, called Break Up, and she...
SCARLETT JOHANSSON is set for a return to the album charts as part of a new duo with singer/songwriter PETE YORN.The actress, who hit the charts last year (08) with an album full of Tom...
Rocker PETE YORN has a fixation with porn. The STRANGE CONDITION singer, who has dated actresses WINONA RYDER, HEATHER GRAHAM and MINNIE DRIVER, admits watching others engaged in sexual activity is one of his...