Power Rangers Trailer
Kimberly Hart, Trini, Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor and Billy Cranston are a group of high school kids from Angel Grove who all have their own problems. They are misfits who all find themselves thrust together as a team when they discover some mysterious artifacts that transform them into glowing, uber strong super heroes. Their discovery leads them to Zordon; an ancient being who now survives only as part of the Morphin Grid, and who reveals to them that they have been chosen as this generation's Power Rangers. Together, and with a little help from Zordon's faithful android Alpha 5, they must use their powers and their disguises to save the world from whatever adversary that may lay ahead - unfortunately for them, that comes sooner than anticipated with the villainous villainess Rita Repulsa who threatens to bring them all down. Are these new Rangers equipped to handle their first alien threat?
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