There are a lot of people who think they need to be some sort of musical genius to find chords for songs. The truth is, anyone can do it with a little bit of practice. And, if you use the right tools, you can even find chords for songs in seconds. 


The first thing you need to understand is that there are three main types of chords: major, minor, and seventh chords. Major chords are usually denoted by upper-case letters (e.g., A, B, C), while minor and seventh chords are usually denoted by lower-case letters (e.g., a, b, c). 

To find chords for a song, you can either use a chord chart or an online chord finder. Chord charts list all of the possible chords for a given key and are great for learning new songs. Online chord finders such as Chordify are great for quickly finding the chords for a specific song. 

Once you know the basics of how to find chords for songs, you’ll be able to play along with your favorite tunes in no time!

How to find free chords for any song online

There are a few different ways to find free chords for any song online. One way is to search for a specific song on a chord website like Ultimate Guitar or E-Chords. These websites usually have a large database of songs with chords that you can browse through. Another way is to use a search engine like Google to search for “free chords for [song name]”. This should bring up some results from websites where you can find chords for popular songs.

If you’re having trouble finding chords for a specific song, you can also try looking up the chords for a similar song. For example, if you’re looking for chords for “Satisfaction” by The Rolling Stones, you could try searching for the chords of another song by them such as “Paint It Black” or “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”. This method works especially well with songs that are in the same genre or have a similar feel to them.

How do I know which key the song is in if I want to use a transposing instrument?

If you want to use a transposing instrument, you need to know the key of the song. You can find out the key of a song by looking at the key signature. The key signature is a group of sharps or flats at the beginning of a song that tell you what notes will be sharp or flat for the rest of the song.

If you're not sure what key the song is in, you can always ask the person who wrote it, or look it up online.

Once you know the key of the song, you can figure out which notes will be sharp or flat for the rest of the song.

For example, if the key signature has one sharp, that means that the note F will be sharp for the rest of the song. If the key signature has two sharps, that means that both F and C will be sharp for the rest of the song.

What if I can't find the chords for a particular song online?

If you can't find the chords for a particular song online, you can try looking for a guitar tab of the song. A guitar tab is a type of musical notation that indicates how to play a song on a guitar.

If you can't find a guitar tab for the song, you can try asking someone who knows how to play guitar. Chords can be tricky to learn, so it may be helpful to have someone who already knows how to play the song show you how to do it.

If you want to find chords for a song, there are a few different ways that you can do it. You can either use a search engine, or look up the song on a chord website.