Casey Newton is a gifted budding scientist, though has occasionally found herself in trouble with the authorities. On one such occasion, she finds herself suddenly in possession of a strange pin she has never seen before, after collecting her belongings at a police station. After picking it up, she is suddenly transported to another world, a futuristic looking world quite unlike her homeland. After the initial shock wears off, she meets a talented inventor named Frank Walker, who tells her of a place where it's literally possible to change the world, to create things that you would never before have believed possible. That place is called Tomorrowland, and Walker needs a companion for his exciting new journey there having been feeling disillusioned from the world around him. Together they must unveil the secrets of the land and uncover their limitless potential. This dazzling Disney adventure is named after the fantasy area of Disneyland which has never before seen screen action. At the movie's helm is double Oscar winning director Brad Bird ('Ratatouille', 'The Iron Giant', 'The Incredibles') alongside Emmy winning screenwriter Damon Lindelof ('Lost', 'Prometheus', 'World War Z'). 'Tomorrowland' was originally set to be called '1952' and is set to be released on May 22nd 2015.