'Arrow' Producer Teases Michael Emerson Mystery Villain Details
The popular superhero series makes its return this October.
Before 'Arrow' hit the small screen and became one of television's most popular superhero shows, you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who hadn't read DC Comics and knew who the heroic Green Arrow was. Now, he's a household name, played by Stephen Amell, and one of the most popular characters to come from DC's world.
Michael Emerson will join 'Arrow' in its sixth season
Six seasons deep, The CW has enjoyed varying amounts of success when it comes to critical reception to their stories. Seasons 1-2 for example were seen as brilliant displays of what magic can be done with a world such as this one, but seasons 3 and 4 were less well-received. Season 5 looked to be heading in the right direction once more and so, when it comes to the upcoming sixth season, there's a lot of high expectations.
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