A female bus driver who accused Matthew Fox of punching her in the chest and groin, has dropped her civil suit against the actor. The 'Lost' star had counter-sued Heather Bormann, but has also dropped his suit.
Ms Borman claimed Fox had hit her as he tried to board a party bus that she was driving in August 2011. According to Entertainment Weekly, her attorney Norman Stark actually withdrew the suit last month, saying his client "intentionally failed and refused to provide full and timely cooperation and information". Borman also reportedly broke a promise to pay her attorney's out of pocket expenses. Though the dropping of the case will be a relief for Fox, he has new problems to worry about, specifically his former co-star Dominic Monaghan. During a question and answer session on Twitter this week, Monaghan had told a fan that Fox "beats women". When the woman referred to the incident on the party bus - saying Fox was "wrong" for what he did - Monaghan added, "He beats women. not isolated incidents. Often". It is not clear whether Fox plans to take legal action over the remarks, though sources who spoke with Tmz.com claim the pair haven't spoken to each other for years, and never had a disagreement.
Fox has certainly faced his share of legal troubles in recent years. In fact, just this month he was busted for Dui near his home in Oregon.
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