Her Madgesty has decided that it’s time to get back into the director’s seat, despite film critics in the past urging her not to quit her day job. Madonna’s directorial projects haven’t been quite as well received as we’re sure she had hoped, but the Queen of Pop seems to have decided that the third time is the charm.  We've got faith in the Papa Don't Preach singer, we're always impressed with someone who doesn't quit despite past failures.  It shows a real strength of character!  Film-making is also the only area of her life that Madonna hasn't thrived in, perhaps she's simply unwilling to admit defeat.

madonna ade a love storyMadonna is set to direct her third film 'Ade: A Love Story'

Madonna’s first two films Fifth and Wisdom and W.E. weren’t exactly put forward for Oscars consideration, although her new film Adé: A Love Story does sound quite intriguing. The film is to be an adaption of Rebecca Walker’s 2013 debut novel of the same name and will be produced by Bruce Cohen, who has worked on several Academy Award winning films, including Silver Linings Playbook, American Beauty and Milk. It sounds like a wise idea for Madonna to get such an experienced and successful producer on board the project, especially one with such a respectable body of work under his belt.

The plot itself focuses on the romance between a young American woman and a Muslim man she meets while traveling. The pair fall in love but struggle with the political and cultural strains on their relationship. There's also a feminist traveling companion thrown into the mix, just so we get a full house of political ideology.  Eloping to Kenya after they have married, the couple find themselves caught up in a civil war. The war has the potential to damage their relationship beyond repair, and the movie looks set to focus on how they handle the pressure of outside forces.

The film is in its very early stages, and Madonna and Bruce Cohen Productions are still looking for a suitable screenwriter with the ability to adapt Walker’s book into a film. We love the sound of the story, it sounds fresh and extremely relevant, although it also sounds very ambitious. A film with such weighty topics deserves a director that will be able to do the themes justice. Do you think that this director is Madonna? Her eight year marriage to Guy Ritche didn’t seem to have benefitted her previous projects, but perhaps she just needed the right film.

MORE: Madonna to direct 'Ade: A Love Story' despite failure of 'W.E.'

MORE: Chris Evans and other actors who have retired to become directors

Watch the trailer for Madonna's second film, 'W.E.':