Leighton Meester will not play Neptune high’s resident mean girl Carrie Bishop in the upcoming Veronica Mars movie. VM creator Rob Thomas announced the news today. However, the part has quickly been recast, with Andrea Estella, lead singer of indie pop band Twin Sister taking on the challenge, according to Entertainment Weekly.

Leigton Meester, Target  Holiday Collection Party
Scheduling conflicts prevent Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester from reprising her role.

Thomas, who has made a pledge to keep fans of the Veronica Mars story in the loop on everything, explained the decision in an email to the film’s Kickstarter backers. The email reads: “One of the reasons I wanted Leighton, beyond her talent/beauty/history in the show, was that we needed a performer who could sing in this important role. Once it became evident that we couldn’t make Leighton’s schedule work, I decided to cast someone from a band I already wanted in the movie.”

Leighton Meester, Gossip Girl Set
Luckily, she already has a willing and able replacement.

Those sound like very legitimate reasons indeed, and the email implies one more thing – we will get to feast our ears on Carrie Bishop’s singing skills, as well as hear some Twin Sister Jams in the soundtrack. Which means that all hardcore Veronica Mars fans out there should probably start getting acquainted with the Long Island-based band’s work. Twin Sister’s style has been described as indie pop or chill wave. Most recently, their song Meet the Frownies was sampled in Kendrick Lamar’s The Recipe.

Not only will Estella fill the role, Twin Sister's music will also make it into the movie.