Just when you were thinking you didn’t care about J.K. Rowling’s pseudonym drama, they pull you back in. Now the rich-beyond-her-wildest-dreams author has won money from the law-firm who let the secret slip. But don’t worry, she’s accepting the money in the form of a donation to charity, so you can restore faith.

"This donation is being made to The Soldiers' Charity partly as a thank you to the Army people who helped me with research, but also because writing a hero who is a veteran has given me an even greater appreciation and understanding of exactly how much this charity does for ex-servicemen and their families, and how much that support is needed.”

The Cuckoo’s Calling was doing okay when people thought Robert Galbraith wrote it, but when the Harry Potter author’s name was linked to it, sales went through the roof. Still, though, Rowling enjoyed the anonymity of writing with a pseudonym, and was angry that she couldn’t carry on with the luxury.

"I always intended to give The Soldiers' Charity a donation out of Robert's royalties but I had not anticipated him making the bestseller list a mere three months after publication - indeed, I had not counted on him ever being there," added the writer, according to Sky.

Major General Martin Rutledge, chief executive of the charity, said: "We are absolutely thrilled by the extraordinary generosity of Jk Rowling who is such an internationally renowned author. This donation will make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of soldiers, former soldiers and their families who are in real need.”

J.K. RowlingDoesn't need the money - Rowling was always donating funds regardless