The third instalment of Paramount's rebooted Star Trek franchise is to be titled Star Trek Beyond, according to, who say the name has been registered with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

Idris ElbsIdris Elba is not playing a Klingon in the forthcoming Star Trek movie - said to be titled 'Star Trek Beyond'

What's even more interesting is the fact that Beyond implies that co-writer Simon Pegg is looking to take the series in a new direction, as has been rumored in recent months. Obviously the registration could be a move by the production company to throw fans off the scent, though sources confirmed the title.

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Elsewhere, in a new interview with, Pegg confirmed that Idris Elba will not be playing anyone familiar to Star Trek fans, despite some speculation suggesting the Luther star will portray a Klingon.

"It will be [an original character], yes. This is the five-year mission now, we're out there. We don't always have to keep bumping into the same people... So we're gonna try and reflect that in the movie." As well as penning the script, Pegg will reprise his role as Montgomery Scott, also known as Scotty.

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"We can invest in it the spirit of the show and get back to the essence of what it is, and so what we're hoping to do is make a Star Trek for today that doesn't forget where it came from," Pegg divulged.

Set for release on July 8, 2016, Star Trek (Beyond?) will star Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Chris Pine as Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock.