Review of Revolve Single by Hush The Many
Hush The Many (Heed The Few)
Single Review
Hush The Many are rapidly losing their status as indie-folk's best-kept secret as the mainstream press pick up on the brilliant noises from the outer reaches. And with good reason - 'Revolve' is very much so brilliant noises from the outer reaches, building from slow chamber wisps to an unstoppable orchestral crescendo in a little under four minutes. Opening with a lyric perched tantalisingly on the cusp of obliqueness ("The wires made the circuit, that's that / it sparked the wheel in motion that sped / but some things came full circle") helps draw the listener in to seek answers, while an almost-constant tempo increase throughout the song gives an undeniable sense of a wheel or system creaking up and cranking up to an incontrollable and devastating speed. With dovetailing boy-girl vocals from Nima and Brown whispering, yearning, keening as the sweetest cake-topping cherry, this is as strong a debut single as you'll find this year. Stunning.
Owen Lloyd
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