Irish comedian Graham Norton has sparked outrage by boasting about his drug intake, admitting he only avoids taking drugs regularly because he's scared of hitting newspaper front pages. The BBC TV presenter confesses in a magazine interview, "I've tried loads of drugs but it would bug me if I got busted in the tabloids as I take them so rarely." He also boasts he once took more than one ecstasy pill in a single night, saying, "It was just great - really, really fun." But his comments have provoked a furious response from British politicians and anti-drugs groups. Member of Parliament GWYN PROSSER says, "I've spoken to parents whose lives were destroyed by drugs. These comments are grossly irresponsible." And PETER STOKER, of the National Drug Prevention Alliance, fumes, "Perhaps he'd like to ask the parents of people who died from ecstasy if they think it's fun." The BBC is standing by the outspoken star, saying, "The issues reflect the frank and open nature of his personality."