Gerard Butler was spurred on to lose weight after unflattering pictures of him relaxing on holiday hit the headlines.
The Scottish star, who famously bulked up to play a Spartan warrior in 300, stunned film fans recently by sporting a slender new look to portray surfing icon Rick 'Frosty' Hesson in new film Mavericks - but Butler admits he had another motive to drop the weight.
He tells CNN talk show host Piers Morgan, "I saw those photos and that changed me. I changed my life actually. I was on holiday with a buddy down in Barbados... I was taking some time off and I was eating more and more and I kept thinking I should be careful.
"I was getting in the water and I looked over and I saw a boat in the distance (with photographers on), and I thought 'Oh no'. Even I didn't realise how awful it was going to look. In truth, it didn't look great, it didn't kill me... it did lead me to be a little more (aware) of what I was eating."