The Ocean's Eleven actor has been renovating the luxury home in the village of Sonning Eye, where he plans to live with his British wife Amal, and earlier this year (15), the couple filed paperwork asking for planning permission to install eight cameras on poles in the grounds of the property and a further 10 attached to the house itself.

Local residents objected to the proposals amid fears the cameras would represent "a potential infringement of the privacy of neighbouring properties" and the 18-foot (5.5-metre) poles would be a "visual intrusion".

Clooney's planning agent submitted a revised application on 13 July (15), reducing the height of the two highest CCTV posts, and now authorities have approved the amended proposal, declaring the cameras "would not be detrimental to the special architectural and historic interest of the listed building or its setting."

Building work is still ongoing at the historic mansion after Clooney was given permission to add a new swimming pool, pool house and private cinema in May (15).