Review of Don't Be A Doctor Single by Forward Russia

iForward Russia!

Forward Russia Don't Be A Doctor Single

Don't Be A Doctor
Singe Review
(Dance To The Radio)

Having used up the first twenty numbers known to man, it was perhaps quite inevitable that iForward Russia! Would one day refrain from numerical digits as song titles in favour of gasp.proper, legit, words and phrases.

So 'Don't Be A Doctor' is upon us as the first fruits of the band's labours since last year's 'Give Me A Wall' long player, and if anything it's a monolithic masterpiece that combines everything that made iFR! so damn near perfect in the first place and more besides.

If previous works like 'Nine' and 'Twelve' were their 'Relationship Of Command'-like edge of commerciality fractured pop choons, then 'Don't Be A Doctor' takes the next step forward into 'Deloused.' territories, as Tom Woodhead's initially calm "You furnished a cave with innocent hands" mantra evolves into a full-blown assault that fuses metal, math-rock and general discordance lasting a full seven minutes before imploding in a hail of its own vitriol.

But of course, where iForward Russia! are concerned, why would you want, or indeed expect, anything less.

Genre-destroying brilliance.

Dom Gourlay

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