Thomas is a young teenager who suddenly awakens to find himself ascending in an elevator to an unknown destination. He has no memory of his life and arrives into a mysterious clearing surrounded by walls filled with around 60 other boys around his age. The clearing is known as The Glade and the inhabitants spend their days trying to survive on minimal resources while periodically venturing into the surrounding maze to look for an escape. Unfortunately, things aren't that simple as they discover that the maze is inhabited by deadly creatures known as Grievers, who are hellbent on destruction. Soon after Thomas' arrival, an unconscious girl is found in the elevator - the first girl to have ever been sent to the The Glade - with an unusual message, and it seems since both their arrivals, everyone's memories are getting a little clearer.
Based on the 2009 novel of the same name by James Dashner and the first of a teen sci-fi trilogy, 'The Maze Runner' is a gripping action adventure directed by Wes Ball in his feature length directorial debut. Among the writing team are Dashner himself, Grant Pierce Myers, T.S. Nowlin and Emmy winning producer Noah Oppenheim ('Today', 'The Buried Life'). The movie is scheduled to appear on UK screens this Autumn on October 10th 2014.
Starring: Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Kaya Scodelario, Patricia Clarkson, Ki Hong Lee, Aml Ameen, Blake Cooper, Chris Sheffield, Jacob Latimore, Joe Adler, Don McManus, Cazi Greene, Dexter Darden, Randall D. Cunningham