Mister is a 13-year-old boy living amongst the poverty stricken suburbs of Brooklyn, New York. Living with his substance-dependent and off-the-rails mother, he has developed an unusual level of maturity and independence and tries his hardest to help his family by trawling through the local newspapers for jobs for his mother that wouldn't run background checks. However, when she is arrested and jailed, Mister and 9-year-old Pete set out to take care of themselves - even if it means begging on the street - whilst hiding from police, child protection services and dangerous criminals his mother was involved with. As the weeks wear on, Mister starts to truly understand that he is on his own now when it becomes clear that his mother is not going to come back for him even when she's free.
'The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete' is a hard-hitting story about how youths in poverty have to grow up fast in order to survive the cruel circumstances that make their lives tough. It has been directed by George Tillman Jr. ('Notorious', 'Men of Honour', 'Soul Food') and written by Michael Starrbury ('Watch Roger Do His Thing', 'Black Jack'), and it is due to be released in cinemas on October 11th 2013 in the US.
Starring: Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Anthony Mackie, Ethan Dizon, Skylan Brooks, Julito McCullum, Adam Trese, Lana Giacose, Joey Auzenne, Chandler Frantz, Amelia Scaramucci, Massiel Mordan, Martha Millan, Teale Kate
Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/MisterandPete