Ben Affleck is cast as Christian Wolff in this new action thriller film The Accountant. An extraordinary man with highly advanced cognitive skills that allow him to think on a different level to that of a standard human, more in line with the likes of Picasso and Einstein. He works as a freelance accountant for some of the world's most dangerous criminal organisations from the cover of a CPA office in a small town. He has two sides to his job one being an accountant and the other being a sleeping assassin, a job that when required to do so will see him perform extraordinary measures.
However the Crime Enforcement Division grow suspicious of his activities and decide to launch an investigation in to his affairs, this in turn forces him to take on a legitimate case in the form of a Robotics company's accounts. The companies accounting clerk has discovered a discrepancy of millions of dollars, this then requires Wolff to examine the books further and to discover the real truth behind this money's disappearance.
Starring: Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, Matt Lanter, J. K. Simmons, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lithgow, Jon Bernthal, Michael Yebba, William Xifaras, Rich Manley, Jessica Lucas